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💜 Daddy 💜

Hello My Friends!

This "nice" month of May has just ended but it has not been as "nice" as expected, for me and my family.

Indeed, after two weeks of hospitalization, my dad passed away on the morning of May 18th (ironically, on my ex's birthday).

He had just celebrated his 88th birthday on April 30th.
Celebrating is a big word because, because of the confinement, we couldn't celebrate it properly.
But we went to see him with my son Jordan that day and sang him "Happy Birthday". It was a few days before he was hospitalized.

He was having trouble breathing and his legs were swollen. I suspected pulmonary edema as he already had the same pathology in late 2016.

My parents went to see a doctor other than theirs (who had caught the Covid) but he hadn't seen anything abnormal (An apparently incompetent).
It was thanks to his friend with whom he chatted at the end of each day on Skype that my mother was able to take him to the hospital (he didn't want to go back there because his last stay at the beginning of the year for a bacterium in his lungs had left him with bad memories).

So early May, when he arrived at the hospital, they took 3,2 liters of water directly from his lungs. It was very painful because he only had a local anesthetic. We weren't allowed to visit him (although he wasn't in the Covid part of the hospital) and that's what worried us. After a week, we asked for an appointment with the ward doctor. So I was able to see him on the Tuesday (a week before he passes away) after the doctor's visit (it was only one person so I went, recorded the conversation with the doctor and with my father for my mother). I didn't recognize my father anymore. He had taken another 10 years. He couldn't talk just making sounds. It was day and night in a week when I last saw him.
My mother was able to see him on Friday, he was a little better. On the day he passes away, he had to have another CT scan because water had apparently returned to his lungs.

They told us he didn't suffer and 2 nurses were with him, one holding his hand and the other comforting him.
I hope that's true.
They contacted my mother who went to see him right away, he was still warm.

He was buried on May 23rd.
It was a beautiful ceremony at the cemetery (he was an atheist so no religious ceremony).

Because of this damn virus, I haven't been able to hug him or give him a kiss since March 18 because of his condition. The only kiss I could give him was a goodbye kiss on his cold cheek (even though it was forbidden).

I have to take care of my mom a little more now but luckily she is an energetic and independent person at 83 years old.
She takes care of her house, her flowers, goes groceries, to the market and other stuff by car.
 She also has friends/neighbours who support her and help her morally and with her administrative procedures.
She also has her 2 cats which are a great source of happiness and she feels less lonely.

That's the sad news and that's why I've been away all this month of May.

I miss him a lot but that's life!

I hope that, where he is, he can watch his football matches surrounded by sweet cats and his friends who left before him.

Thank you for reading me and for your understanding.

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